Jumat, 16 April 2010

Stem Cells

Stem cells are undifferentiated cells and have the potential to differentiate into other cell types. Capability allows stem cells to repair the system provides the body with new cells for the respective organisms live. Stem cells can be regarded as the source of all cells in the body. Medical researchers believe stem cell research has the potential to change the state of human disease in a way used to improve certain body tissues or organs. However, this seems to not be truly realized today. Stem cells can be classified based on the potential possessed by these cells as well as on the basis of origin.

Based on the potential

• Totipotensi Stem cells were stem cells that have the potential to differentiate into all cell types. Bertotipotensi stem cells derived from embryonic stem cells, fertilized egg cells by sperm cells.
• Stem cells were pluripotensi
• Stem cells were multipotensi
• Unipotensi Stem cells were stem cells are able to produce only one specific cell types, but has the ability to renew itself is not owned by the cells rather than stem cells.

Based on the original

• embryonic stem cells

These stem cells taken from embryos at the blastocyst stage (5-7 days after fertilization). The inner cell mass of cluster and containing embryonic stem cells. The cells were isolated from the inner cell mass and cultured in vitro. Embryonic stem cells can be directed to become any type of cell found in adult organisms, such as blood cells, muscle cells, liver cells, kidney cells and other cells.

• Adult stem cells

Adult stem cells have two characteristics. The first characteristic is that cells can proliferate for long periods to renew itself. The second characteristic, these cells can differentiate to produce specialized cells that have a characteristic morphology and function of the special. One of the kinds of adult stem cells are hematopoietic stem cells (hematopoietic stem cells), namely the blood-forming stem cells are capable of forming red blood cells, white blood cells, and pieces of healthy blood. Source of hematopoietic stem cells is bone marrow, peripheral blood and umbilical cord blood.

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